A plan to paradise

I am extremely exhausted but couldn’t bring myself to fall asleep until I sent out a message to you all.

Tomorrow marks the FINAL day of radiation treatment for Logan. This day comes not only with relief but also a small victory for her. So far, radiation is the only cancer treatment/protocol she has completed in the last 3 years since she was diagnosed. Every other treatment she started, she had to stop because the her tumor relapsing before she could finish.

So HOORAY Loggie!

SHE IS FINISHED radiation tomorrow!!!!! Thank goodness!

After our final treatment we will be off to see our oncologist for a slew of last minute tests to prepare us for our Maui trip.

I have so much to share will you all, it has been a really rough week but in the last 24 hours we have had so much amazing support coming our way and I can’t wait to share all of the stories with you.

Tonight however I just  need to sleep. So desperately I need to rest, we all do.

We need our energy for tomorrow.  Tomorrow we a make plan to get to paradise..



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