Half way point

Today marks the half way point of radiation, which for some of you may seem crazy. I am sure in the normal world the last few weeks have flown by but for us we can’t believe how slow the clock is ticking- we still have another 16 treatments to go.


O.K.  we are  done! over it…and we carry on.

Loggie had a new technician today who bolted her head so tightly to the table that she still had the marks on her forehead almost 2 hours after we left the agency. New guy, but really, Logan joked it was already bad enough being bald, now she would had to be bald and look like a checker board. She didn’t complain but I think I am going to ask him to go a little easier on her tomorrow.

After we left radiation we went to the hospital for blood work It is remarkable and exciting to see her ANC over 1.0 (that means white blood cells and in the chemo world you usually have NONE) her hemoglobin was also 100 so she dogged the blood transfusion. Again she was sad- the kid is a vampire and loves getting blood.

She had her pentamadine treatment today (a drug she inhales for about half an hour into her lungs to prevent bacterial infection) and afterwards she had a weird dizzy spells and then had really strange tremors in both her hands and legs.

We all freaked out a bit and then before we knew it she was better. Might have been from the ventaline they give before the treatment to open up her lungs. Apparently low blood pressure can cause side effects like this.

On our way home we stopped to order Brody’s birthday cake ( yes I do have another child) and Logan spent the rest of the night snuggled up on the couch under her new lap quilt. Tired.

She did well eating tonight, her swallowing is so much better that we rarely use the tube these days. I feel sad for her that her appetite will subside soon. They are starting to ween the steroids again. It is time. although she eats well. She is so angry and depressed when she is on it. It is a terrible drug.

We talked about increasing her dose of THC so she still has the munchies. We want her strong for when chemo starts and apparently Cisplatin has a nickname- barf festival. Loggie can’t afford to lose much weight so we will consider this plan if she stops eating again.

One other thing,  Loggie shaved her head tonight.

She wanted to try to wait until balding for dollars so she could shave it off with her team but her little buds of hair they were falling out all over her pillows and hats and making her super itchy. So it is gone and once again our Loggie is bald- and none the less beautiful.



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