When you get little

The start of another week of radiation.

Loggie had a good weekend, it was busier than any other weekend we’ve had since the start of radiation, and although she felt sick and tired she rallied through. It was good though to see her trying to participate in life and reducing the dexamethazone has been good for her spirits. We are slowly starting to see the Loggie we all know and love return. It has been a long haul.

 Radiation has caused a tender swollen area on the back of her head. The area that received the mega boost seems to be hurt much more  than the rest of her head and spine and she is complaining that the area is sore. I would say it is kind of like getting burn, and then another one on top it and again…and again…you get the picture.

She asked if we could maybe do a little “retail therapy” and get her some new spring clothes for a little pick me up, she knows how to work us.

 Jared suggested I to take a bit of a break and go shopping for the day without Logan in the states. I took him up on it and it was a really nice break. I felt guilty leaving but I needed the time for myself and I was glad I went.

And surprise, everything was totally fine. Logan baked cookies at Nana’s and had sushi with Joyce and Kendra had the whole family over for dinner.  They were happy, fed and entertained all day. Medications were given on time, the house was clean, and the kids were bathed when I got home. Gold star for Jared.

Logan was a bit sad that I wouldn’t let her come shopping with me but I  wanted to shop and lose myself for a few hours in just buying things.

Who ever said that things can’t make ya happy is wrong. My new Coach purse is making me very happy. 

Brody also knows things can make you happy, and he got spoiled with things this weekend. He turned 4 and suddenly thinks that means he knows every thing.

I told him it was bed time tonight. His reponse “I know it is bedtime, I told you when I turn 4 I know everything”

I think I am about to have my hands full but on the bright side, maybe he can teach me a few things. God only knows these days, everything I thought I knew…isn’t quite the way it is.

Brody is smart. He has things figured out. He understands so much more than most four year old kids would and he has a way of making us think differently.

A couple of days ago he wanted to play trains with my dad. My dad had no interest in playing and was channel surfing trying to avoid and distract Brody, but Brody would have nothing to do with

He kept bugging, and finally my dad was forced to be honest and tell him that he didn’t want to play trains on the kitchen floor because he was old and wanted to relax. Brody looked perplexed  “When you get little again papa then you will want to play trains with me?”

My dad didn’t know how to answer.

We all looked around the room at each other and silently pondered if we’d ever get ‘little’ again and then papa replied.

“When you are born, you are little, and you like to do things that are fun all the time. Then you get big and you forget how to do fun things, but not you Brody, when you get old I don’t think you will ever forget how to be little.”

Brody looked completely bewildered and I am pretty sure we had no idea what my dad said but we knew what he meant and we played trains all night.


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